Happy Winter! You may know by now that every season is our favorite season and Winter is now upon us. We delight in the crisp air, the open views through leafless trees, the long slow days, the special glow after a fresh snowfall, and of course, the warm light of the fire.
Happily, after our first year of publishing, a new issue of edible CT EAST is now a part of every season. And as we put together each issue of the magazine we actually try not to create a theme, yet sometimes as the magazine comes together a theme emerges almost magically! It’s why the very last thing we do is put together this mis-en-place section.
The connection you’ll find in this issue is one of education, exploration, and experimentation. From Bob Florence’s fermenting experiments, to growing mushrooms year-round with Chris Pacheco at Seacoast Mushroom, to the wonderful liqours of Watercure Farm Distillery, to Julie Harrison's fabulous winter decorating, to Chef Colt Taylor’s masterful combinations of tastes at The Essex - each of these stories showcases the wonderful things that can happen when you combine talent, curiosity, and passion.
Local food is simply produced and consumed within close proximity. Sustainable food is produced in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. All sustainable food isn't local and all local food isn't sustainable. —Chef Colt Taylor
Speaking of passion, we all naturally gravitate to our passions but perhaps sometimes the heart of those passions isn’t always clear to us. Once you find your passion and move toward it so many things start to fall into place. We urge you to spend some quiet time this season to simply sit and think about the things that delight you the most.
Farmers are busy planning their crops for the upcoming season and selecting the right seeds and plants to begin the spring. Chefs are observing the shortage of fresh vegetables by making the most of the last fall produce, trying new avors, and obsessing about how to add a bit more umami to every dish. And many others are focused on exploring new tastes and treats to delight the senses.
It is indeed a season of reflection and preparation. For us it’s a time to reflect on our first year of having the opportunity to create and produce a magazine filled with our favorite makers, farmers, chefs, ranchers, fishers, and everyone else making life more enjoyable. It’s a time we feel tremendous gratitude for being able to be a part of this wonderful world of food culture in Eastern Connecticut.
We’ll continue to follow our passions. We’ll continue to learn, explore, and try new things every chance we get! And we look forward to bringing you another year filled with the best of what our bountiful area offers us.
Make the most of the cold weather as well as the warmth of the season. And be sure to follow your passion wherever it may take you.
Best, Shane
R. Shane Kennedy