Spring Fresh Playlist

“We are a part of that beauty when we lead with our hearts.”
By | April 20, 2022
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When things seem their hardest, coldest, most resistant to life, through the hard-crusted Earth shoots a sprout. And from that fragile beginning, life renews itself, and blooms into something beautiful. After the brittle harshness of winter – referring to our Northeast weather to be sure, but also figuratively our world fraught with tensions, anxieties and overwhelming conflict – our spirits are more than ready for renewal, rebirth, and fresh hope.

This Spring Playlist has been curated to help us in that process, as we seek to grow out of the hard challenges we face, and reconnect with our world, our neighbors, and the beauty blossoming everywhere in the natural world around us. We are a part of that beauty when we lead with our hearts. This Spring, let our love be the rain that falls on the cold hard soil of our spirits. Moistened and softened with compassion and kindness, miracles can bloom. Spring is magnificent to watch unfold (and be a part of). And it’s all beginning. As a soundtrack to kick us off, this season’s crop of songs offers fresh joy and hope anew as our corner of the world wakes up to cleansing rains, warmer days, and becoming even more alive. We're also happy to present songs from all of the artists covered in this issue's article on "Making Music Local".

I invite you to listen to the Spring Fresh playlist via Spotify, available here: www.tinyurl.com/yckmbrz4 If you’ve got some favorites of your own, I’d love to know about them! Feel free to email me at sharonjohnsonnyc@ yahoo.com and follow me on Instagram @sharnyc1


Eddie Vedder

If ever an anthem to brighten our collective spirit, here’s the first track off Eddie Vedder’s new album The Earthlings. A timely reminder that we are all light. When our light is shared – indivisible. And when we love – invincible.

Lil’ Bit

The Alpaca Gnomes

While we await Ben Mikula’s solo album which should release at the time of this issue, here’s a lil’ bit of sunshine from his band’s second album IX, helping us remember a little bit of love, can go a long way.


Angel Olsen

In this atmospheric offering from her 2019 All Mirrors album, Angel cautions us not to wish away or miss the beauty of the present moment.

Ties that Bind Us


Parsonsfield’s infectious harmonies look to mend the ties that bind us because, after all: My heart and your heart, they're just the same.

Lovely Day

Bill Withers

Several artists have attempted covers, but the original 1977 R&B classic is the real deal that never fails to lift the spirits and bring a smile. Honorable mention goes to indie-rockers Alt-J who do an almost unrecognizable slower, dreamier cover.


Dr Westchesterson with Sammi Garett (of Turkuaz)

A track o his forthcoming album, Better Days Ahead, the good Doctor prescribes a yacht-rock influenced feel good tune with an invitation to kick o our shoes and set sail for the warmer days ahead…

It’s Raining Again


Whenever this English progressive rock/pop band comes on the radio it’s a boost of nostalgia, and this playful 1982 track helps make even the rainiest Spring day fun.

April Come She Will 

Simon and Garfunkel

Simon and Garfunkel’s poetry offers a quieter tribute to the turning of the seasons.

Back to the World 

Ben Ottewell

From his 2017 solo album A Man Apart, the unmistakable strong baritone voice from indie-rock band Gomez rouses us out of hibernation, with this call to come out and join the celebration.

No Rain Blind 


Fresh from a February release comes this Super Duper remix of the 1992 classic – a joyously euphoric reimagination.

  • I’d love to know about your favorites! Email me sharonjohnsonnyc@yahoo.com Instagram @sharnyc1. Stay warm, safe and we’ll see you in the Summer… Cheers to you and yours!
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